Factory as a Service
Why choose the FaaSModel?
It helps you to reduce the time-to-market of the Minimum Viable Product, thanks to our knowledge of the technological market, the immediate availability of skills and the tested working method we use to realize the technological solutions.
The Connected Factory is able to provide the target company with an exhaustive mix of skills, responding to the context needs, remodelable over time and not easily reproducible and sustainable within the company.
Long term
We embrace the FaaS model in order to establish a medium-long term strategic partnership with our customers, to accompany them both in the launch phase and in the subsequent market evolutions.
Our know-how at your projects service
Strategy & Solution Shaping
Technical advisory
Functional Analysis
UX/UI Design
Solution Design
Cloud Infrastructure
Evolution & Maintenance

Our Method
01. Goals
We start by sharing business goals to define the functional and technical scope of work.
02. Development
We follow an agile approach, providing for progressive releases, constant validation check points and timely refinements.
03. Go to market
We create a Minimum Viable Product ready for the market launch and suitable to receive new financial resources.
04. Evolution
We enrich the technological solution according to the market needs by taking care of the operations and maintenance activities.